Ban be cua toi, La nhan chung cho ca the he nay. Muoi thang ban than, Muoi con so trong mot kiep tran. Thang thi da khuat bo mang rung xanh, Thang thi cut mat canh tay cua anh.
Ban be cua toi, Tung chiec la trong tran bao dan toc. Tuoi tre doi muoi, Bi lang phi nhu co rac thoi. Thang that tai ba,thi dap xich lo... Con thang giau cha,la thang ma co...
Ai thau cho oan khien nay, Nguoi co lang nghe,tieng ai than dai... Thuyen nao cu troi dat, De ai khoc trong cuoi. Ngon ngang nhung bong doi, Chang thiet ngay mai.
Ban Be cua toi, Bi lay lat trong cuoc song vo vong. Tung ngay tung dem, Mo doi mat vi mot mieng an. Thang thi ngheo toi,guc dau tran ai, Con thang lam oai,cung chi loay hoay...
Ban be cua toi, Bi chia cat theo lan ranh cam hon. Muoi thang ban than, Nao co biet thuong va ghet khong. Thang Nguy gan dien,nam tu muc xuong, Con thang Dang vien song trong an han...
Ban be cua toi, Ban be cua toi, Ban be cua toi, Ban be cua toi...
Tho: Nam Dao Nhac: Phan Van Hung Ca Si: Phan Van Hung
Toi muon hat cho thang be tat dau, Chet noi cau canh xuong Ba Son. Tuoi muoi ba da tran xam nang, Vot can dau ve doi lay mieng com.
Hai dua be boi xuong den gam cau, Dua quo dam mieng giuc em oi! Phai lam nhanh coi chung ho thay, Tat le vao dau do uot chiec khoang Oi qua nhieu dau sao qua nhieu, Chac phen nay han duoc com no ! Ngay cho den se mua sua mot lan, Cho thang cu nem thu nghe em...
Mo chua dut, tren cau chung thay roi, Mat lanh lung nap khau Ak. O ngoai kia con thuyen vung vay, Co vao bo lieu mang tron thoat than. Co suc cheo thang be co cheo ! Tay quo dam ma thuyen nhu khong di ! Trang dan ban chet em qua voi vang, Buong dam roi ngo ngang tren khoang ...
Thuyen khong lai nghieng nghieng xoay giua giong, Mau em trao nhuom ca hai vai. Thang nho om anh minh bat khoc, Lop can dau nay doi lay xac anh ! Be tat dau, thang be tat dau ! Chet noi cau canh xuong Ba Son, Thang nho chet vo doi mat mo trung, Tren giong song song gon rung rung...
Toi muon hat cho thang be nuoc Viet, Chet nhu mot ke thu vo danh. Phan dong chang hay la De quoc ? Biet dau rang chi Chu Nghia giet em ! Be tat dau, thang be tat dau ! Chet noi cau canh xuong Ba Son, Thang nho chet vo doi mat mo trung, Tren giong song song gon rung rung ...
Tho: Minh Duc Hoai Trinh Nhac: Phan Van Hung Ca si: Phan Van Hung
Ai tro ve xu Viet Nhan gium ta,nguoi ay o trong tu. Nghe dau day vang giong hon ren xiet Dai lam khong dang dang may mua thu?
Ai di ve xu Viet Tham gium ta,nguoi ay o trong tu. Cho ta gui mot manh troi xanh biec Thay gium ai,mau troi nguc am u.
Chorus: Cac ban ta oi,bao gio duoc tha? Den bao gio an duoc bat com tuoi? Duoc lang nghe tieng chim nguoi Den bao gio,den bao gio?
Nguoi ban tu oi ta khong quen dau Nho hom xua,nhin doi tay cum xich Hang song thua chia cach van tinh Ngau Ai tra tan nghe long ai kim chich
Ai tro ve xu Viet Ta gui ve theo mot it Tu do, Tu do,Tu do va nhieu lam, Nhieu nho thuong va tha thiet Den cua nguc tu,chia bot chut buon lo.
Ai tro ve xu Viet Nhan gium ta,nguoi ay o trong tu Ta se ve don o cua am u Doi se dep,mua xuan hong biet may Dau ngoai kia may co triu mua thu...
Tu*. do kho^ng tu*. nhie^n ma` co',Tu*. do ta pha?i tu*. gia`nh la^'y.Kho^ng ai co' quye^`n cu*o*'p ma^'t Tu*. do cu?a ta,ne^n cu~ng kho^ng ai co' quye^`n ban pha't Tu*. do cho ta.
Tho: Tran Trung Dao Nhac: Phan Van Hung Ca Si: Phan Van Hung
Vien keo tron nay de danh cho Me Vien keo vuong nay de lai cho Ba Vien keo lon nay de qua cho chi Vien keo nho hon nay de lai cho em Con vien keo that to nay phan Be day
Ben bo bien o Palawan Co mot be gai len sau len nam Em dang ngoi dem tung vien soi nho Noi chuyen mot minh nhu voi xa xam...
Em den tu Viet Nam Cau tra loi duy nhat Hai tieng don so ma nhieu nguoi quen mat Chi hai tieng nay em nho trong long Con bao cau khac em chi ve menh mong...
Me em dau? - Ngu ngoai bien ca
Em em dau? - Song cuon di roi
Chi em dau? - Nghe chi thet tren mui
Ba em dau? Em lac dau khong noi
Vien keo tron nay de danh cho Me Vien keo vuong nay de lai cho Ba Vien keo lon nay de qua cho chi Vien keo nho hon nay de lai cho em Con vien keo that to nay phan Be day
Chiec ghe nho vot vao day may bua Tren ghe sot lai chi dam ba nguoi La lung thay mot em be mo coi Da song sot sau sau tuan tren khoi
Ho ke lai em tu dau khong biet Cha me em da chet doi tren tau Chi cua em hai tac bat di dau Con em trai song da cuon troi mau...
Ke song sot sau sau tuan noi troi Cat thit da lay mau tham doi moi Mau Viet Nam oi linh dieu vo cung Nuoi song em,em be Viet don coi...
Suot tuan nay em be van ngoi day Mot minh trong nhin ra phia bien xa voi Nhu thuo em cho Me di cho ve Em thi tham nhung cau noi van vo
Em cui dau nhung khong ai vuot toc Bien ngam ngui mang thuong nho ra di Mai nay ai hoi Be yeu chi? Em se noi la em yeu bien
Noi cha chet khong tieng ken dua tien Noi tieng chi ren nghe buot ca thit da Me chang ve du dem toi di qua Va em trai o lai noi song vo
Nhung be hoi roi mai sau be lon Khong bao gio se quen mau Viet Nam Giot mau linh thieng se nuoi be lon Mau thuong yeu van chay tu ngan nam
Vien keo tron nay de danh cho Me Vien keo vuong nay de lai cho Ba Vien keo lon nay de qua cho chi Vien keo nho hon nay de lai cho em Con vien keo that to nay phan Be day
Ba`i tho* Em Be Viet Nam va Vien Soi cu?a nha` tho* Tran Trung Dao.
Be tho oi cuoc doi em vien soi Khoc mot lan nuoc mat chay thien thu
- Vien keo tron nay de danh cho Me Vien keo vuong nay de lai cho Ba Vien keo nho nay de qua cho chi Vien keo lon nay de lai cho em Con vien keo that to nay phan Be day
Ben bo bien Palawan Co mot em be gai Tuoi moi chung len sau len nam Dang ngoi dem tung vien soi nho Va noi chuyen mot minh Nhu noi voi xa xam
- Em den te Viet Nam Cau tra loi thuong xuyen va duy nhat Hai tieng rat don so ma nhieu nguoi quen mat Chi hai tieng nay thoi Em nho ky trong long Em chi ra ngoai Dong Hai menh mong Cho tat ca nhung cau hoi khac
Me em dau? - Ngu ngoai bien ca
Em cua em dau? - Song cuon di roi
Chi cua em dau? - Nghe chi thet tren mui
Ba em dau? Em lac dau khong noi
- Be thuc day thi chang con ai nua
Chiec ghe nho vot vao day may bua Tren ghe sot lai chi dam nguoi La lung thay mot em be mo coi Da song sot sau sau tuan tren bien
Ho ke lai em tu dau khong biet Cha me em da chet doi tren teu Chi cua em hai tac bat di dau Song cuon mat nguoi em trai mot tuoi
Ke song sot trong sau tuan troi noi Da cat thit minh lay mau tham moi em Oi nhung giot mau Viet Nam Linh dieu vo cung Nuoi song em Mot nguoi con gai Viet
Mai em lon du phương nao cach biet Nho dung bao gio doi mau Viet Nam Mau thuong yeu da chay bon ngan nam Va se chay cho muon doi con lai
- Vien keo tron nay de danh cho Me Vien keo vuong nay de lai cho Ba Viên keo nho nay de qua cho chi Viên keo lon nay de lai cho em Con vien keo that to phan Be day
Suot tuan nay em van ngoi Mot minh lam bam Ngo ngac nhin ra phia bien xa xoi Như thuo cho Me di cho ve - That tre lam sao Em tiep tuc thi tham Nhung cau noi van vo Me ngay xua van thuong hay trach moc
Em cui dau nhung khong ai vuot toc Bien ngam ngui mang thuong nho ra di Mai nay ai hoi Be yeu chi Em se noi la em yeu bien
Noi cha chet khong tieng ken dua tien Nơi tieng chi ren Nghe buot ca thit da Noi Me chang ve du dem toi di qua Noi em trai o lai Voi muon trung song vo
Be tho oi cuoc doi em vien soi Khoc mot lan nuoc mat chay thien thu.
- This round piece of candy is for Mom, The square one saved for Dad, The little one saved for sister, A bigger one saved for brother, And the largest candy ... is for me.
On the Palawan seashore, there's a little girl at the age of five or six counting pebbles at the beach and talking alone talking to the loneliness.
- I have arrived from Vietnam. Her sole and frequent answer. Two simple words that many have forgotten. Only these two words, she held dear in her heart, and pointing to the sea where all questions are answered,
Where's Mom? - She slept out the sea.
Where's brother? - The waves swept him away.
Where's sister? - I heard her scream at the boat top.
Where's Dad? And she shook her head in reply.
- There wasn't anyone left when I awoke.
The small boat rescued a few days back. On it survived several. And it was a miracle that an orphan girl was still alive after six weeks. Six weeks on the open sea.
Those survived recounted a journey of horror when hunger killed Dad and Mom, pirates kidnapped sister, and the waves swept away her year-old brother. And those who survived the six-week ordeal cut their flesh to feed her the blood. Drops of Vietnamese blood miraculously saved the orphan girl, a Vietnamese girl. The loving blood that flowed for four thousand years, and will flow for a million years more.
- This round piece of candy is for Mom, The square one saved for Dad, The little one saved for sister, A bigger one saved for brother, And the largest candy ... is for me.
A week goes by and still she sits, mumbling to the loneliness, gazing at the sea, waiting for her Mom coming home from the market. - How late, and the little orphan girl went on mumbling silly sentences, those Mom used to scold.
The little orphan girl tilted her head and there's no one to stroke her hair for the sea has brought with it love and remembrance. And tomorrow when one asks what the little orphan loves, she'll reply that she loves the sea.
Where Dad died without a funeral, where sis's cries pierced the soul, where nights fall and Mom's not back, where brother lies with the thousand waves.
Little orphan girl, Her life a pebble. Cry once and the tears will forever flow.
Trần Trung Đạo translated by Tuong Cat
La Petite Vietnamienne et le galet
Ce bonbon rond est re'serve' pour Maman, Ce bonbon carre' est pur Papa , Ce petit bonbon pour ma soeur, Ce grand bonbon pour mon fre`re, Et celui le plus gros ...est pour moi.
Sur la plage de Palawan Il y a une petite fille A` l'a^ge de cinq ou six ans, Comptant un par un des galets en parlant toute seule Comme elle parle a` sa solitude.
Je suis venue du Viet Nam, C'est sa re'ponse unique et habituelle. Les deux mots tre`s simples que beaucoup de gens ont oublie's, Ces deux seuls mots sont reste's toujours fide`les a` sa me'moire. Elle a montre' la mer aux autres questions.
O`u est Maman ? -Elle s'est couche'e a` la mer
O`u est ton fre`re? -Il a e'te' emporte' par les vagues vers le large
O`u est ta soeur ? -J'ai entendu son cri percant au haut de la barque
O`u est Papa? Elle a secoue' sa te^te aulieu de re'ponse
-De`s que je me suis re'veille'e, je n'ai trouve' personne la` -bas
Sur la barque sauve'e il y a quelques jours certains ont ve'cu. Comme c'est e'tonnant de trouver une petite orpheline encore vivante apre`s six semaines en pleine mer.
Les survivants ont raconte' des histoires d'e'pouvante sur lui telles que ses parents mouraient de faim,
sa soeur e'tait kidnappe'e par les pirates et son petit fre`re a` l'a^ge d'un an, emporte' par les flots.
Ceux ayant surve'cu a` travers les six semaines difficiles Se coupaient leur chair pour nourrir la petite fille des gouttes de sang, celles du sang vietnamien qui par miracle ont sauve' la vie d'une fille vietnamienne.
Un jour tu seras grande. Ne change jamais ton sang vietnamiem partout o`u tu iras. Ce sang affectueux s'e'coulant pendant des quatre mille ans d'antan Continue a` s'e'couler e'ternellement.
-Ce bonbon rond est re'serve' pour Maman, Ce bonbon carre' est pour Papa, Ce petit bonbon pour ma soeur, Ce grand bonbon pour mon fre`re, Et celui le plus gros est ...pour moi.
Toute la semaine elle s'assied toujours la`-bas Marmonnant toute seule En regardant avec stupe'faction le lointain de la mer. Il semble qu'elle est entrain d'attendre sa me`re au retour du marche'. -Comme il est tard ! La petite continue a` chuchoter des non-sens surlesquels sa me`re avait l'habitude de lui faire une re'primande.
La petite pencha la te^te sur le co^te' mais personne ne caresse ses cheveux. La mer a apporte' les douleurs muettes et les affections au lointain. Un jour si quelqu'un demande a` la jeune fille pour qui elle a de l'affection Elle re'pondra qu'elle aime la mer Ou` son pe`re mourut sans corte`ge fune`bre Ou` les cris de sa soeur lui transperce`rent le coeur Ou` sa me`re ne revint pas quand la nuit de'ja` passait Ou` son fre`re resta avec des vaques par milliers
O! Petite orpheline, ta vie est celle d'un galet pleurant une fois Et les larmes continueront a` s'e'couler pour toujours.
Tran Trung Dao ( Traduit en francais par Nguyen Khoa)
And when he looks at me his brown eyes tell his soul
Remember the first day, the first day we kissed?
Remember the first day we had an arguement?
We apologized, and then we compromised
And we haven't argued since
Remember the first day we stopped playing games?
Remember the first day you fell in love with me?
It felt so good for you to say those words
Cause I felt the same way too
The way we held each other's hand,
The way we talked, the way we laughed
It felt soo good to fall in love
And I knew right then and there you were the one
ooh oh ohh woah
I know that he loves me, cause he told me so
I know that he loves me, cause his feelings show
When he stares at me you see he cares for me
You see how he is so deep in love,
I know that he loves me cause it's obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts
And he's missing me, if he's not kissing me
And when he looks at me his brown eyes tell his soul.
I'm so happy, so happy that you're in my life
And baby now that you're a part of me
You showed me,
Showed me the true meaning of love (the true meaning of love)
And I know he loves meeeeeee
I know that he loves me, cause he told me so
I know that he loves me, cause his feelings show
When he stares at me you see he cares for me
You see how he is so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause it's obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts
And he's missing me, if he's not kissing me
And when he looks at me his brown eyes tell it so
He looks at me and his brown eyes...Tell it so
I like this song!Whenever i heard this song,i remember the one i loved again...Hehehe,that's my sweet memory,but so sad...Anyway,this is a great song about love.Let's listen to Destiny's Child.
Now shorty, she in da club, she dancing for dollars
She got a thing for that Gucci, that Fendi, that Prada
That BCBG, Burberry, Dolce and Gabana
She feed them foolish fantasies, they pay her cause they wanna
I spit a little G man, and my game got her
A hour later, have that ass up in the Ramada
Them trick niggas in her ear saying they think about her
I got the bitch by the bar trying to get a drink up out her
She like my style, she like my smile, she like the way I talk
She from the country, think she like me cause I'm from New York
I ain't that nigga trying to holla cause I want some head
I'm that nigga trying to holla cause I want some bread
I could care less how she perform when she in the bed
Bitch hit that track, catch a date, and come and pay the kid
Look baby this is simple, you can't see
You fucking with me, you fucking with a P-I-M-P
(Chorus x2)
I don't know what you heard about me
But a bitch can't get a dollar out of me
No Cadillac, no perms, you can't see
That I'm a motherfucking P-I-M-P
(Verse 2) I'm bout my money you see, girl you can holla at me
If you fucking with me, I'm a P-I-M-P
Not what you see on TV, no Cadillac, no greasy
Head full of hair, bitch I'm a P-I-M-P
Come get money with me, if you curious to see
how it feels to be with a P-I-M-P
Roll in the Benz with me, you could watch TV
From the backseat of my V, I'm a P-I-M-P
Girl we could pop some champagne and we could have a ball
We could toast to the good life, girl we could have it all
We could really splurge girl, and tear up the mall
If ever you needed someone, I'm the one you should call
I'll be there to pick you up, if ever you should fall
If you got problems, I can solve'em, they big or they small
That other nigga you be with ain't bout shit
I'm your friend, your father, and confidant, BITCH
(Chorus x2)
I don't know what you heard about me
But a bitch can't get a dollar out of me
No Cadillac, no perms, you can't see
That I'm a motherfucking P-I-M-P (Verse 3)
I told you fools before, I stay with the tools
I keep a Benz, some rims, and some jewels
I holla at a hoe til I got a bitch confused
She got on Payless, me I got on gator shoes
I'm shopping for chinchillas, in the summer they cheaper
Man this hoe you can have her, when I'm done I ain't gon keep her
Man, bitches come and go, every nigga pimpin know
You saying it's secret, but you ain't gotta keep it on the low
Bitch choose with me, I'll have you stripping in the street
Put my other hoes down, you get your ass beat
Now Nik my bottom bitch, she always come up with my bread
The last nigga she was with put stitches in her head
Get your hoe out of pocket, I'll put a charge on a bitch
Cause I need 4 TVs and AMGs for the six
Hoe make a pimp rich, I ain't paying bitch
Catch a date, suck a dick, shiiit, TRICK
(Chorus x2)
I don't know what you heard about me
But a bitch can't get a dollar out of me
No Cadillac, no perms, you can't see
That I'm a motherfucking P-I-M-P
Yeah, in Hollywoood they say there's no b'ness like show b'ness
In the hood they say, there's no b'ness like hoe b'ness ya know
They say I talk a lil fast, but if you listen a lil faster i aint gotta slow down for u to catch up, BITCH, hahaha yeah
No comment about this song,a hardcore rap sung by 50Cent.Let's listen to 50Cent rap...
Hehehe I'm not a P.I.M.P;-),but i'm a "SHEEP",my domestic-people is too.Vietnamese People's Army,Police force is sheep-dogs,to keep watch sheep's-heads.All the sheeps was imprisoned in a sheep-fold,called Social Republic of Vietnam.And Communist Party Vietnam is sheep-shearer,that's P.I.M.P.
My country is the country of "SHEEP"(or shiet).
Fuckin* the "SHEEP",fuckin* the shEEp-dOgs,fuckin* shEEp-fOld,
Fuckin* the shEEp-shEArEr,fuckin* CPV,fuckin* SRV,
And fuckin* the shEEp's country...
I proud of Vietnamese,but do not proud of SRV's citizen under leadership of CPV.
Vietnam is 4ever,and CPV or SRV is only temporary.R U Okie?
If U r Vietnamese and do not agree with me,U can say"Fuckin* U".Hehehe :-)
Ya no estás más a mi lado, corazón. En el alma sólo tengo soledad, y si ya no puedo verte, Porqué Dios me hizo quererte para hacerme sufrir más?
Siempre fuiste la razón de mi existir; adorarte para mí era obsesión y en tus besos yo encontraba el calor que me brindaba, el amor y la pasión.
Es la historia de un amor como no hay otro igual que me hizo comprender todo el bien y todo el mal, que le dió luz a mi vida apagándola después. Ay, qué vida tan oscura! Sin tu amor no viviré.
This song in Album "The Latin Touch"(01-03-2004) of Laura Fygi,a Netherlands singer.For the first eight years of her life, she lived with her parents in South America.She is the daughter of a Dutch father and an Egyptian mother.
I find myself in Big City prison,arisen from the vision of man kind
Designed, to keep me discreetly neatly in the corner,
you’ll find me with the flora and the fauna and the hardship
Back a yard is where my heart is still
I find it hard to depart this Big City Life
[Chorus x 2]
Big City Life,
Me try fi get by,
Pressure nah ease up no matter how hard me try
Big City Life,
Here my heart have no base,
And right now
Babylon de pon me case.
Where do U living?A big city or small city?I'm living in Saigon,bigest city in Vietnam,that's open city....People,people...,people,sunlight,wind,dust,traffic jam...people again.I'm feel tired...Bad person,good person,connoisseur,clodhopper assemble in chaos.They fight over freedom in small prison,but they don't know that they living in big prison,called Social Republic of Vietnam.:-(
Do you dream of me at night (like I dream you all the time)
So lone
Oh, let me tell you how it feels (it's like everyday I die)
Wish I was dreamin' but it's real (when I open up my eyes)
Oh, let me tell you how it feels (and don't see your pretty face)
I think that I will never love again
I miss your face
I miss your kiss
I even miss, the arguments
That we would have
From time to time
I miss you standing by my side
I'm dying here
It's clear to see
There ain't no you,
God knows there ain't no me
Don't wanna live
I wanna die
If I can't have you in my life
So tell me how you feel (oh)
Are you for real (for real)
Do you still think of me (I think of you)
Baby still (you only)
Do you dream of me at night (it's like I dream you all the time)
So lone
Oh, let me tell you how it feels (it's like everyday I die)
Wish I was dreamin but it's real (when I open up my eyes)
Oh, let me tell you how it feels (and don't see your pretty face)
I think that I will never love again (will never, I will never love again)
[repeat until end]
So tell me how you feel (I'm lonely)
Are you for real (so lonely)
Do you still think of me (I think of you)
Baby still (you only)
Do you dream of me at night (it's like I dream you all the time)
So lone
Oh, let me tell you how it feels (it's like everyday I die)
Wish I was dreamin but it's real (when I open up my eyes)
Oh, let me tell you how it feels (and I don't see your pretty face)
I think that I will never love again (i'll never ever ever love again, baby)
Alone in midnight,when i post this song i'm feeling lonely,so lonely.I remembering the one I loved...Now,I wonder where is she?How do she feel?Anyway,time lost is never found.I'll forget her in course of time.
Babyface's song so sad,but so great...Listen to him song,let's ur soul fly high in the air....
chuan yue shi kong jue bu di tou yong bu fang qi de mung
nu ri nor mu sa nam hae so hap pa sa ne you
so rou sa nam ha dam ma go mo te so nae you
rang ai cheng wei ni wo xin zhong
na yong yuan cheng kai de hua
nu ri so joh hae to ya so yi ji to ma na you
wei you zhen ai zhui sui ni wo
chuan yue wu jin shi kong
so rou sa nam ha dam ma go mo te so nae you
ai shi xin zhong wei yi bu bian mei li de shen hua
This song is soundtrack of "The Myth" by Jackie Chan,actor popular HongKong and Kim Hee Soon,actress star Korean sung.That's combine between Mandarin and Korean.I don't undertand it...Hehehe,but this is translation English.
English Version of "Endless Love"
Release me from this mysterious waiting
The stars are falling
the wind is blowingfinally
I can hold you in my arms
two hearts beating together
believe me that my heart is never changing
waiting a thousand years, you have my promise
despite many bitter winters
I'll never let you go
Close your eyes and hold my hands tight
please recall the past, the days we were in love
we were so much in love with each other
it is sorrowful
that we can't even say "I love you"
Every night my heart aches
I never stop thinking of you
I am used to being alone for such a long time
And I face it with a smilebelieve me,
I choose to waiteven though it is painful, I won't leave
only your tenderness can save me
from the endless cold
Close your eyes and hold my hands tight
please recall the past, the days we were in love
we were so much in love with each other
it is sorrowful
that we can't even say "I love you"
Let love be a blossoming flower in our hearts
we can pass through time
never bowing our heads
and never giving up our dream
Close your eyes and hold my hands tight
please recall the past, the days we were in love
we were so much in love with each other
it is sorrowful
that we can't even say "I love you"
Let love be a blossoming flower in our hearts
we can pass through time
we never forget our promise
only true love follows us
as we pass through time
We can't even say "I love you"
The love we have in our hearts is the only never-changing myth
Yeah, whats going on, 2006, mario and nasty, brand new classic,ride with us, its about two guys and hot girls, yo keep it up keep it up,two step with me, come on, lets do it do it do it like this 1,2 baby clap ur hands Everybody lets go ha ha ha ha I want yall ladies clap again Let me hear u say wut wut its my story
Wori danduli its my story To noe mami humi nae nungae nunmuli Nowae siganun nomunado gilo nomu gilo Tatuthan nae mamuro dolaogil bilo the ghetto the ghetto noe mami gullinun daero nun gudaero never say goodbye so get up
if you go away you will see me cry don't you let me go baby don't you let me down
Nul hamke it-o-do do gakapzi annnun Otun emido upnun zinbuhan sarang don't you let me go baby don't you let me down
you never say good bye Handongann monghani u-do-ku-ni annza Dasi sanggathatziman mumchul sun up-ut-o Ontong kudae sanggat hal su bake upnun Nae zasini miwar
don't you let me go baby don't you let me down
(Mario) And we the best aint no need to stress Mario and nasty aint no need to impress
(Nesty)Yo (Korean Rap)
(Mario) Call it a fling or a love thing I don't care I can handle any drama that you bring.
(Nesty)(Korean Rap)
(Mario) with out u im better no one could do it better hello cute nasty best mc Mario right tight errnight that's right. I am still in love with you hey I'm still in love with you hey Let me hear you say hey hey hey Yo check it (Korean Rap) only u(Korean)only(Korea baby 1,2,3,4 I got the mic check
if you go away you will see me cry don't you let me go baby don't you let me down
you never say good bye Handongann monghani udokuni annza Dasi sanggathatziman mul chul chun up-get-o On-tong ku-dae sang-gat hal su-bak-e up-nun Nae za-sin-I mi-war
you never say good bye (come on come on) (wana ride with the homie right?) Han-dong-ann mong-ha-ni (wana ride with the homie right?) (Wana get right then get high )
oo-do-kir-ni ann-za (Wana get right then get high ) (ride with me ill ride with you) Da-si sang-gat-hat-zi-man (ride with me ill ride with you) (you go down on me ill go down on you)
Mum-chuil sun up-get-o (you go down on me ill go down on you) (yeah~) On-tong ne sang-kak-man (yeah~) (just me and you come on) Hal su bak-e up-nun (just me and you come on) (One more time now) Nae za-sin-I me-war (One more time now) don't you let me go (Say what) don't you let me down (One more time now)
1,2 baby clap ur hands Everybody lets go ha ha ha ha I want yall ladies clap again Let me hear u say hey hey hey
Sa-rang-do bun-ha-zi ann-a na-e mam do bun-chi ann-a Na-e chum-ul il-zin ann-a zul-dae po-gin up-da Ill logic real toxic switch quicker than tiptonic hetero sexual the kids flow is incredible Sa-rang-do bun-ha-zi ann-a na-e mam do bun-chi ann-a yeah Na-e chum-ul il-zin ann-a zul-dae po-gin up-da Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!
This song is soundtrack in "My Girl" ,that's a movie Korean.A great song,that's mix between dance music and clasiccal melody,to combine English and Korean.Everybody can relax with joyful melody now.So Kool!
Yeah this is a story about Love,this is a story about Hate, when tolerance brings the tragedy,passion,pain,it's a thin line between what we give,so goes our story about Romeo and Juliet.
*Today I challange thee,affect the things that you can't see,Today we feel so much,affect the things that you can't touch,All the possibilities, we all brought as special things,respect the power and you'll see how strong a love can be.
She screams:"Romeo Romeo wherefor art thou ?"Romeo,you'll never know when it's time to go her desk on smokin',my body's lying on the floor,she wishin' hopin' that I still breathe that I still live,unfortunately I only got one lives to give,too bad,she no longer wants to live because I'm heard dead,I loved her and she loved me,unfortunately her death I can see because his racisists won't let him.Now it's a thin line between love and hate,and Romeo and Juliet as the forfeit of the deadly fate,a tip for love, a tip for madly tolerance,why hollow seems the people seem to let it go?A tragic ending,sending such a hintful message,Romeo Romeo let your soul go,let it rise and Heaven's gonna let you know that love is all we need.
*Today I challange thee,affect the things that you can't see,Today we feel so much,affect the things that you can't touch,All the possibilities, we all brought as special things,respect the power and you'll see how strong a love can be.
We spent countless nights,lovin' each other,holdin' each other,every one,without a fight,now it's time to meet you dead,I'm black,you're white,it's kinda said but something...It didn't flash,romeo was now a memory and juliet is right by her side,together an eternal rest,no more stress,do you have it yeah romeo and juliet....
*Today I challange thee,affect the things that you can't see,Today we feel so much,affect the things that you can't touch,All the possibilities, we all brought as special things,respect the power and you'll see how strong a love can be.
Na Na Na Na Na...
A sad story about Love and Hate.Everywhere,everytime Love and Hate only a thin line.Romeo & Juliet of Shakespeare is a classical literary work,so much poems and songs mention it....Listen to "Poetry'n'Motion" present "Romeo & Juliet" now.
Nang isilang ka sa mundong ito Laking tuwa ng magulang mo At ang kamay nila ang iyong ilaw At ang Nanay at Tatay mo'y 'Di malaman ang gagawin Minamasdan pati pagtulog mo Sa gabi napupuyat ang iyong Nanay Sa pagtimpla ng gatas mo At sa umaga nama'y kalong ka Ng iyong amang tuwang-tuwa sa iyo
Ngayon nga ay malaki ka na Nais mo'y maging malaya 'Di man sila payag walang magagawa Ikaw nga ay biglang nagbago Naging matigas ang iyong ulo At ang payo nila'y sinuway mo Hindi mo man lang inisip na Ang kanilang ginagawa'y para sa iyo Pagka't ang nais mo'y masunod ang layaw mo 'Di mo sila pinapansin
Nagdaan pa ang mga araw At ang landas mo'y naligaw Ikaw ay nalulong sa masamang bisyo At ang una mong nilapitan Ang iyong inang lumuluha At ang tanong, "Anak, ba't ka nagkaganyan?" At ang iyong mga mata'y biglang lumuha Ng 'di mo napapansin Nagsisisi at sa isip mo'y Nalaman mong ika'y nagkamali Nagsisisi at sa isip mo'y Nalaman mong ika'y nagkamali
This is a immortal song of Philippines by Freddy Aguilar,a legend singer in Philippines.When he entered the Metro Manila Popular Music Festival in 1978, Freddy Aguilar was almost completely unknown; within weeks he was possibly the best-known musician in Manila, and he has since consolidated that position to become the best known Filipino musician in the world. The song that took him to such great heights, heard for the first time at the 1978 competition, was "Anak," a folk-rock ballad sung in the local Tagalog language. It has since spawned 54 covers in 14 other languages."Anak"(Philippines word for child), became a worldwide hit and was translated into at least seven languages. Anak was also the theme tune for the Movie of the same name...A great song!
Sorry didn't mean to call you but I couldn't fight it I guess I was weak, couldn't even hide it And so I surrendered, just to hear your voice. Don't know how many times I said I'm gonna live without you, And maybe someone else is standing there beside you, But there's something, baby you need to know. That deep inside me, I feel like I'm dying. I have to see you, It's all that I'm asking. *chorus* Vida, give me back my fantasy. The courage that I need to live, The air that I breathe. Cariño mio, my world's become so empty. The days are so cold and lonely And each night I taste the purest of pain. i wish i could tell u im feeling better everyday that it didn't hurt when u walked away but to tell that truth i can't find my way That deep inside me, I feel like I'm dying. I have to see you, It's all that I'm asking. *Chorus * I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you but I couldn't fight it. I guess I was weak, couldn't even hide it And so I surrendered just to hear your voice.
A nice song,so sad but so kool...A sweet melody fly high in the air.
[Black Eyed Peas] What's wrong with the world, Mama? People livin' like they ain't got no mamas. I think the whole world is addicted to the drama, only attracted to things that bring the trauma. Overseas, yea, we trying to stop terrorism, but we still got terrorists here livin' in the USA, the big CIA, the blood through the cripts of the KKK. But if you only have love for your own race, then you only leave space to discriminate, and to disciminate only generates hate, and when you hate you're bound to get irate. Madness is what you demonstrate, and that's exacly how Enga works and operates. Man, ya gotta have love to set it straight. Take control of your mind and meditate. Let your soul gravitate to the love, ya'll. [Chorus - Justin Timberlake] People killin', people dyin'. Children hurtin', you here them cryin'. Can you practice what you preach, and would you turn the other cheek? Father, Father, Father, help us. Send some guidence from above. These people got me, got me, questionin' where is the love? (where is the love, where is the love, where is the love, the love, the love) [Black Eyed Peas] It just ain't the same. Always have changed, new days are strange. Is the world the same? If love and peace is so strong, why would pieces of love that don't belong? Nation's dropping bombs, chemical gases filling lungs of little ones, with ongoing suffering as the youth die young. So, ask yourself, is the lovin' really caused, so i can ask myself really what is going wrong in this world that we livin' in. People keep on givin' in, makin' wrong decisions, only visions of a different end. Now we respectin' each other and i've my brother. A war's going on, but the reason's undercover. The truth is kept secret and swept under the rug If you never know the truth, then you never know love. Where's the love ya'll (I don't really know) Where's the truth ya'll (I don't really know) [Chorus] I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder. As I'm gettin older ya'll people gets colder. Most of us only care about money-makin. Selfishness got us followin' the wrong direction. Wrong information always shown by the media, negative images is the main criteria. Infecting the young minds faster than bacteria. Kids wanna act like what they see in the cinemas. What ever happened to the values of humanity? What ever happened to the fairness and equality? Instead of spreading love, we're spreadin' anamosity. Lack of understanding leading us away from unity. That's the reason why sometimes I'm feeling under. That's the reason why sometimes I'm feeling down. There's no wonder why sometimes I'm feeling under. Gotta keep my faith alive till love is found. [Chorus]
Yeah,what the hell happened to the values of humanity?What the hell happened to the fairness and equality?That's USA,the place BEP or anyone can talk about the things they saw,the things they thought.And Vietnam,my country,the place nothing at human right,no free speech.Sometimes i wonder why people in Vietnam still keep silent.Maybe we live quietly in deceiful and frightened...
If the sky, that we look upon, (uuuh) should tumble and fall.
All the mountains should crumble to the sea.
I won't cry, no I won't, no I won't shear a tear.
Just as long, as you stand, stand by me.
(Chorus: )
And darling, darling, stand by me.
Ohhh, stand by me.
Oh stand, ah yeah, stand by me, stand by me.
Whenever you're in trouble, would you stand, by me?
Uhuh baby, stand by me.
Oh stand, ah yeah, stand by me, stand by me.
(Rap: )
Let me do it nice, smooth and gentle,
my heart is burning like a neverending candle.
Alle Every breath that I take, every move I make
I slowly realize what you mean to me.
So please: stand, stand by me.
I'm mad in your hand, in my fantasy.
So: stand, stand by me. I'm baggin' you baby, please stand by me.
Stand Uuuuhhhhhhhhhh, oh baby baby baby stand, stand by me.
(Just stand by me).
(Oh, please stand by me) stand, stand by me.
(Yeeeeeeeeeeaaah) stand, stand by me.
(yeah) stand, stand by me
(I'm mad in your hand, in my fantasy, so: ) stand, stand by me.
(I'm baggin' you baby, please stand by me)
(Oohhh stand, stand by me) stand, stand by me.
Stand, stand by me.
Sometimes i'm feeling down,'cause anythings i think not the same everybody.Sometimes i do it,but everyone think i'm crazy...Hehehe Who's care? I need only the one understand ,support everythings i think,everythings i do...The one ...Stand by me.